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BIS License Consultants in Jalandhar, Punjab

 StartupIndia Recognition

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FinTax Corporate Professionals LLP – BIS License Consultants in India. Our BIS license Service – ISI Mark, BEE, Hall Mark, ECO Mark, ISO Certificate. Call us +91-7210000745 . FinTax is India’s Top BIS License Consultants. Delivery services PAN India. BIS Voluntary Certification and BIS Mandatory Certification.

BIS License Consultants in

BIS Certificate Consultants in Jalandhar, Punjab

Documents to be submitted with application for BIS Registration

Enclose the documents mentioned as per following sequence while submitting the application:

1. Online Submission - Copy of acknowledgement received from portal/ Screen shot of the online file submission

2. Address Proof - Business Licence or Other Document issued by Govt

3. Fee correlated with no. of TRs - Demand Draft with photocopy of DD or NEFT details

4. Signatory for Application - If application is not signed by the CEO, Authority letter from CEO (Authorized signatory to be an employee of the company).

5. FORM VI  - Online generated copy (duly signed and sealed)

6. Brand name

    For Registered brands:

    a) Registration certificate

    b) If owned by others, Authorization letter/agreement from the brand owner

    For Un-registered brands:

    a) Copy of TM application, if applied for

    b) If owned by others, Authorization letter/agreement from the proprietor of the brand

7. Undertaking – Submit Under Taking for Test Report.

8. Authorized Indian Representative & Affidavit

A. Foreign Manufacturer

a) Nomination Form sealed and signed.

b) 1) If Liaison Office/Branch Office of the applicant is in India

     i) Certificate issued by the Registrar of Companies or any other relevant document from Government/Statutory Authorities which establish proof of its liaison office or branch office in India

   ii) Affidavit cum undertaking (on Rs 100/-non-judicial stamp paper, duly notarized) from the CEO/MD/authorized employee of said liaison office/branch office as per Format A alongwith the authorization letter mentioned at 2. of Format A.

   iii) Copy of ID Proof of the person signing the affidavit

2) If brand owner or registered user of the brand is in India

i) Document establishing the nominee as the Brand Owner or Proprietor or Registered User of the Brand/Trademark in question;

ii) Document authenticating the identity of the nominee (such as Certificate issued by Registrar of Companies, etc);

iii) An affidavit cum undertaking (on Rs 100/-non-judicial stamp paper, duly notarized) from the said Brand Owner or Proprietor or Registered User of the Brand/Trademark located in India or its CEO/MD/authorized employee, as per Format B along with the authorization letter mentioned at 2. of Format B

iv) Copy of ID Proof of the person signing the affidavit

3) If other entity is nominated

i) Declaration from the brand owner that they do not have proprietor/registered user of brand in India.

ii) Document establishing legal status of the entity (Company, Firm, or proprietorship) such as Certificate issued by Registrar of Companies, Registered Partnership Deed, etc;

iii) An affidavit cum undertaking (on Rs 100/-non-judicial stamp paper, duly notarized) by the CEO/MD/authorized employee of the said entity located in India, as per Format B along with the authorization letter mentioned at 2. of Format B.

iv) Copy of ID Proof of the person signing the affidavit

B. Indian Manufacturer

i) Affidavit as per Format C

ii) If Affidavit signed by Authorized signatory, authorization letter from the CEO. (Authorized signatory to be an employee of the company)

iii) Copy of ID Proof of the person signing the affidavit

9. Test Report

BIS may ask for additional documents, if consider ed necessary.

BIS Certification Service in Jalandhar, Punjab


BIS Registration Consultants in Delhi NCR - FinTax Corporate Professionals LLP

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