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Demerger Advisory Services in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu

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FinTax Corporate Professionals LLP – DEMERGER, MERGER AND ACQUISITION Consultant in India. Call Us @ +91-7210000745 for Advisory on Demerger Process, Expenses, Demerger Pre-requisites, Demerger tax advisory. WE PROVIDE pan India Services. 

Top Demerger Consultants, Demerger Chartered Accountants, Demerger Advisory Services, demerger process, Income Tax rule in demerger, FinTax Demerger Consultant, demerger tax advice

Demerger Consultants

Merger Consultants

Business Restructure Consultants

M&A Advisors

merger and acquisition advisory services

Every M&A and private equity transaction has to abide by various tax and regulatory requirements, be it while contemplating a strategic acquisition, divestment, corporate restructuring, merger, demerger, business/asset sale, reduction of capital, buyback, balance sheet right sizing, inbound or outbound acquisition, sale of shares or any other form of restructuring. Understanding and devising a strategy can help mitigate transaction risks and costs and also ensure it to be compliant from a regulatory perspective.

Business Restructure Consultants in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu

FinTax in India’s Deal Advisory, M&A tax practice works closely with clients to help identify tax and regulatory issues in the transaction and provides an approach that meets the desired commercial objectives.

Our offering comprises a broad range of tax and regulatory services that include:

  • Acquisition/divestment structuring - Consultation to determine and shape the immediate and long-term tax impact of the client’s acquisitions/divestments. Advising on acquisitions through leveraged/ management buyouts.
  • Tax due diligence and health check-ups - Apprise clients of the potential risks and benefits associated with a specific transaction
  • Corporate and internal restructuring: Provide tax and regulatory efficient approaches for internal restructuring, promoter holding restructuring, corporate restructuring exercises, which can be in the form of merger, demerger, sale of business/assets/shares, capital reduction, buyback, right issue, family arrangement, succession planning, etc.

Corporate Restructure Consultants in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu

A demerger is a form of corporate restructuring in which the entity's business operations are segregated into one or more components. It is the converse of a merger or acquisition. A demerger can take place through a spin-off by distributed or transferring the shares in a subsidiary holding the business to company shareholders carrying out the demerger. The demerger can also occur by transferring the relevant business to a new company or business to which then that company's shareholders are issued shares of. In contrast, divestment can also "undo" a merger or acquisition, but the assets are sold off rather than retained under a renamed corporate entity. Demergers can be undertaken for various business and non-business reasons, such as government intervention, by way of anti-trust law, or through decartelization.


Corporate Restructuring Services in India


Company Restructuring Services in India


FinTax Corporate Restructuring Services

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