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Import Export Consultants in Sector 62 Noida

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FinTax Corporate Professionals LLP – Import Export Consultants in India. CALL US + 91-7210000745 for IEC Code new Apply, IEC Modification, PAN based e-IEC. IEC Certificate issued by Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT)

IEC Code Apply - FinTax Import Export Consultants in Sector 62, Noida

What is the technical requirement for filing an IEC?

  1. A valid PAN
  2. Valid Mobile Number and E-mail Id.
  3. Scanned copy of the documents to be uploaded.

How to apply for new IEC application?

On the DGFT website under Quick links select Apply for New IEC/Modify existing IEC. Enter PAN   and press Search Button. Then system will prompt for the following:

  1. Name of Company
  2. Date of Birth/Incorporation (DOB/DOI)

After entering above given details at (a) and (b) the system will verify your Name, DOB/DOI from the CBDT PAN Web Server and then it will direct to DGFT- IEC application enabling you to file for fresh IEC application.

(Please Note; Enter the Name and /DOB (DOI) correctly otherwise your authentication on the PAN server site will fail)

How can I modify e-IEC?

In case you have generated the IEC letter from the e-IEC system and now you want to modify your IEC. Enter PAN and press Search Button. Then system will prompt for the following:

  1. Name of Company
  2. Date of Birth/Incorporation (DOB/DOI)
  3. File Number
  4. File Date

The Name and DOB/DOI will be verified from CBDT PAN Web Server and File No and File Date will be validated from the DGFT-IEC application then only the system will dispatch tokens (one time password) on your registered mobile and e-mail id. Enter any one of the tokens either of e-mail/mobile and then press Submit Button to proceed.

(Please Note You have to enter the current File No along with File Date)

I have a IEC (numeric) how can I modify my IEC now?

Enter your PAN and press search button. Then DGFT-IEC system will display: (a)Name of Company

(b)Date of Birth/Incorporation (DOB/DOI)

Enter the above details given at (a) and (b) which will be verified by CBDT PAN Web Server and then it will direct you to DGFT- Online IEC application enabling you to migrate your existing IEC to e-IEC.

My earlier application was rejected how will I proceed?

Enter your PAN and press Search Button. Then system will prompt for the following:

  1. Name of Company
    1. Date of Birth/Incorporation (DOB/DOI)
  2. File Number
    1. File Date

The Name and DOB/DOI will be verified from CBDT PAN Web Server and File No and File Date will be verified from the DGFT-IEC application then only the system will dispatch tokens (one time password) on your registered mobile and e-mail id. Enter any one of the tokens either of e-mail/mobile and then press Submit Button.

DGFT- Online IEC application system here will automatically display the two options of View/Print rejection letter along with “Apply again where earlier application was rejected”.

How many documents do I have to attach in IEC Application?

In case of fresh IEC application you have to attach the following two documents

  1. Address Proof
  2. Banker Certificate/Cancelled cheque.

In case of modification of IEC the attachment of document will continue as per existing provisions.

(Please Note: Attachment of PAN and photograph is not required in case of fresh /modification of IEC application)

How will print my IEC Certificate?

The system will automatically generate the IEC certificate once you submit your application based on your Jurisdictional Authority and it will automatically dispatch the IEC letter on your registered e-mail id.

However, at the time of next modification the e-IEC system will continue to display Print/View your IEC details along with Modify e-IEC.

I am unable to submit my application. What may be the issue?

You must ensure the Application should be complete with all the details. Application fee of Rs 500/- in case of fresh IEC and for IEC modification Rs 200/- is mandatory.

How to changes registered e-mail and mobile number with IEC?

After entering PAN details in IEC login page, OTP's are sent to registered email and mobile number, enter any one of the two OTP's to login and change the e-mail and mobile number already registered.

However if you lose access to both email and mobile number, an affidavit signed by authorised signatory needs to be submitted so that login of the account remains secured. Affidavit should contain request for change, reason for change, details of old and new email & mobile and sent to

IEC MODIFICATION PROCEDURE - FinTax Import Export Consultants in Sector 62, Noida

Documents requirement for IEC Apply

Proof of Bank A/c - Bank Certificate or Cancel Cheque Copy

Proof of address of the Premises - Sale deed | Rent agreement | Lease Deed | Electricity bill | Telephone Land line bill | Mobile Postpaid bill | MOU | Partnership Deed

 Other acceptable documents(for Proprietorship only): Aadhar Card | Passport | Voter Id

In case the address proof is not in the name of the applicant firm, a No Objection Certificate(NOC) by the firm premises owner in favour of the firm along with the address proof is to be submitted as a single PDF document



Online e-IEC Application - FinTax Corporate Professionals LLP


Mody Existing E-IEC Certificate - FinTax Corporate Professionals LLP


Online Import Export Code (IEC Code) Registration - FinTax


IEC Registration | Import Export Code Registration Online in India


IEC Registration | Import Export Code Registration Online in Delhi NCR


IEC Registration | Import Export Code Registration Online in Mumbai


IEC Registration Procedure | Apply IEC Online - DGFT

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