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BIS License for Foreign Manufacturers | BIS Import License in Karur, Tamil Nadu

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BIS import License Fee, BIS import License registration process, BIS import License authority, Import Compliances for BIS mandatory products, What is BIS License, What is BIS certificate, BIS License for Imported Products from China, BIS License for Imported goods in India, BIS import License Office near me, BIS Office near me

Benefits of BIS Standards?

  • Cost reduction through standardization
  • Product safety and liability
  • Benefits for the economy as a whole
  • Safety, Health & Environmental Protection
  • Removal of Trade Barriers
  • Trade & Competitive advantage through standards
  • Compatibility & Interchangeability
  • Consumer Protection

Calculation of actual marking fee in BIS License certificate

(a) For the payment of marking fee on actual basis before the end of the each operative year, firm shall submit the production statement of goods bearing standard mark for the period of last three months of previous operative year and first nine months of current year.

(b) Where volume of production is high, licensee may be directed to pay actual marking fee on quarterly basis.

(c) Production statement(s) of the licensee shall be obtained on the letter head of the chartered accountant/cost accountant (CA) indicating its membership number along with name of the unit, address and actual quantity produced for the said period.

FinTax Corporate Professionals LLP – India’s leading BIS Licensing Service Provider Imported Goods in India. Call us +91-7210000745. Know all Imported products which covered under Compulsory Registration Scheme as if Indian Products. Imported LCD, Electrical products, Batteries, Steel products, Medical Equipment, Automobile Parts, Cements, IT Products, Electronics Products, Tyres, Motors. BIS License Imported from China.

BIS License for Foreign Manufacturers | BIS Import License in

BIS License for Importers | BIS Registration Consultants in Karur, Tamil Nadu


After Grant of licence, a surveillance audit plan is prepared ensuring surveillance visits at least once a year:

  • First surveillance is carried out within 12 months from the date of certification.
  • Next surveillance audit to be completed in the next calendar year.
  • In the third year, surveillance audit is replaced with Re-certification (Renewal) audit.

BIS License for Imported Products | BIS License Consultants in Karur, Tamil Nadu

Licence may be considered for renewal for a period of minimum one year and upto five years on the request of the licensee, depending upon whether the application fee, licence fee, advance minimum marking fee and dues, if any, has been paid for requested duration along with the renewal application. For example, if the renewal has been requested for five years, licensee is required to submit licence fee and advance minimum marking fee for five years. The renewal of licence shall be endorsed as per Form - XIII.


Compulsory BIS Certificate for Imported Goods | FinTax BIS Consultants


Compulsory BIS Certificate for Electronics Product | FinTax BIS Consultants

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