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GST Help Centre in Karur, Tamil Nadu

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FinTax Corporate Professionals LLP – a GST Compliance House. Call us +91-7210000745 We are experienced CAs and GST Practitioners Provide PAN India Service of GST Filing, Assessment, Scrutiny cases, Audit and all other GST Services

GST Suvidha & Compliance Services in Karur, Tamil Nadu

Who should file Form GSTR- 1

1. GSTR-1 to be filed mandatorily by all normal and casual registered tax payers.

2. GSTR 1 needs to be filed even if there is no business activity (Nil Return) during a given tax period. III.

Who should not file Form GSTR -1?

1. Taxpayer opted for Composition scheme

2. Input Service Distributor (ISD)

3. Non-Resident taxable person

4. Tax Deductor at Source

5. Tax Collector at Source

6. Taxpayer Covered under Online Information and Database Access or Retrieval (OIDAR) IV.

Pre-conditions for filing of Form GSTR 1

1. The receiver taxpayer should be a Registered Normal Dealer and should have an active GSTIN.

2. Supplier taxpayer should have valid login credentials (i.e., User ID and password).

3. Supplier taxpayer should have valid and non-expired/unrevoked digital signature certificate (DSC)( in case of companies, LLPs and FLLPs etc.) or EVC ( for remaining Taxpayers)

Steps in filing Form GSTR 1

1. Login>GST portal > Services > Returns > Returns Dashboard

2. Select the financial year and tax period for which GSTR 1 needs to be filed and click SEARCH

3. Select GSTR 1 tile and click on PREPARE ONLINE or PREPARE OFFLINE

4. Fill in the data in respective section

5. Generate summary of GSTR 1

6. Click submit to validate data. No changes can be made in Form GSTR 1 once data is submitted

7. File GSTR 1 using DSC ( in case of companies, LLPs and FLLPs etc.) or EVC

8. An Application Reference Number (ARN) is generated and SMS and mail is sent to the Taxpayer

Methods of filing Form GSTR 1:

The Form GSTR-1 can be filed by any of the following methods:

a) Upload of invoices online: If the taxpayer has limited number of entries, he can directly enter the details on the GST portal. He needs to log in to the GST portal using his user ID and password and navigate to the return dashboard page where he can click on prepare online tab available on GSTR 1 tile to prepare his return online.

b) Preparation of Form GSTR 1 using Off-line tool: Excel based offline tool is also provided at . This can be downloaded and installed on the taxpayer’s computer to prepare the return in an offline mode using excel without connecting to internet. The benefits and main features of offline tool (mentioned above) are:

 i) Can fill in invoices data up to 19, 000 line items using excel utility in offline mode.

  ii)Using offline tool, taxpayer can upload their invoices in Form GSTR 1, more than once, at any time during the day/week/month.

  iii)The invoices uploaded in Form GSTR 1 by supplier will be auto populated in GSTR 2A of the receiver and will be available for view to the receiver.

  iv) Where invoices are more than 500, it will not be available for viewing online to the tax payers. However, they can download it using offline tool and later on upload after edit.

c) Filing of Form GSTR 1 Through GSPs: Taxpayers having very large number of invoices can directly furnish details of Form GSTR 1 to GST System using their accounting applications if they use the services of the GST Suvidha Providers to connect to the GST system through a secured MPLS network connectivity.

Salient Features of Form GSTR-1:

1. Supplier taxpayers (Normal and Casual) are required to file GSTR 1 return (Statement of outward Supplies) on a monthly basis

2. Information to be uploaded in GSTR-1 statement can be broadly divided in two groups. a) Group I: The B2B Invoice Details of Supplies to registered person,B2Cl Invoice details of Interstate Supplies with invoice value more than Rs 2.5 lacs per invoice, exports details, credit debit notes related to B2B,B2Cl and Export invoices for which invoice wise details are to be provided and amendment of earlier furnished invoices and credit/debit notes

b) Group II: Group summary information for whole month is to be reported for B2Cs details of supplies to consumers within the state and inter-state supplies of value less than Rs. 2.5 lacs per invoice, details of advances received and adjusted, NIL rated, Exempt and non taxable supplies, details of documents like invoice, challans etc. Issued during the month and amendments of above information having impact on tax liabilities.

GST Advisory Services in Karur, Tamil Nadu

GST Ani Profiteering

The Government is committed to ensure all consumers enjoy the benefit of lower prices of goods and services under GST. Under GST, suppliers of goods and services must pass on any reduction in the rate of tax or the benefit of input tax credit to consumers by way of commensurate reduction in prices. If this is not done, the consumer's interest is protected by the National Anti-profiteering Authority which may order: (a) reduction in prices; (b) return of the amount not passed on with interest @ 18% to the recipient; (c) imposition of penalty; and (d) cancellation of registration of the supplier. Affected consumers may file an application, in the prescribed format, before the Standing Committee on Anti-profiteering if the profiteering has all-India character OR before the State Screening Committees if the profiteering is of local nature.

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